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Does GSR use the same part as EVO 1,2,3

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  • LocationBox Hill, Melbourne
Hi,guys how are you ??

Few quick question:

1: Does Gsr use the same parts as evo 1,2,3 ?? Example Complete cylinder head ?

2: Suspension??

3: Can i use chip evo 1,2,3 Ecu ??

Thanks guys :0



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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Hi,guys how are you ??


Few quick question:

1: Does Gsr use the same parts as evo 1,2,3 ?? Example Complete cylinder head ? engines are different so...no
2: Suspension?? evo 1 and gsr and pretty much the same.....but evo 2&3 will fit a gsr ...tho a gsr wont fit the front of evo 2&3 because the sway bar mont is different
3: Can i use chip evo 1,2,3 Ecu ?? ......you need to change a few things as well to do that such as yhe injectors and the air flow meterThanks guys :0

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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Hi,guys how are you ??

Few quick question:

1: Does Gsr use the same parts as evo 1,2,3 ?? Example Complete cylinder head ?

2: Suspension??

3: Can i use chip evo 1,2,3 Ecu ??

Thanks guys :0

a quick search would help you out mate

1. no you can not
2. yes you can but some evo suspenion have a 3 bolt strut, where gsr have 2
3. yes it will but you will need other mods to support it( pending what you already have done to your car)




  • Members
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  • LocationBox Hill, Melbourne
Thanks for the information....

So what do i need to do to get some extra power on 3000rev - 5000 ??

Most of the thing's in my car is stock

Im runing a 2-1/2 inch straight exhaust from cat to muffler and a pod air-filter.



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Thanks for the information....

So what do i need to do to get some extra power on 3000rev - 5000 ??

Most of the thing's in my car is stock

Im runing a 2-1/2 inch straight exhaust from cat to muffler and a pod air-filter.

I would have a look at the other members rides and see what people are doing to theirs.
Might give you some more information and ideas. :)

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

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