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( Urgent ) 4g93 turbo not boosting
Posted 23 January 2011 - 10:10 AM
I went for a car wash this arvo after that my car is not boosting at all ? Is It the turbo ??
What turbo is on a lancer gsr ?? Tdo4 or tdo5 ??
Posted 23 January 2011 - 11:16 AM
Oil lights are like oven alarms......they tell you when it's cooked
Green GSR.......sold VR4 AMG........sold Grey GSR still under the house.
Posted 23 January 2011 - 11:32 AM
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
Posted 23 January 2011 - 12:41 PM
Posted 23 January 2011 - 08:50 PM
Nope no vent
Nah it doesn't run rough,but is powerless is like driving a Na AWD CAR
A lancer gsr has a tdo4. Check your wastegate on your turbo by wiggling it if it moves its buggered. <---- i will try that.... thanks
Posted 23 January 2011 - 09:51 PM
Fairly common problem.
I drink my beer a quarter pint at a time, and for those 2 seconds or less, I'm free!
Posted 23 January 2011 - 10:08 PM
If is the turbo fault im planing to get a new turbo can i upgrade it to a slightly turbo ??
What turbo should i get ??
Posted 24 January 2011 - 12:26 AM
I will check the cat !!
If is the turbo fault im planing to get a new turbo can i upgrade it to a slightly turbo ??
What turbo should i get ??
it could be as simple as the pin that holds the waste gate actuator arm to the waste gate flapper has rusted through.....the the arm comes off the flapper. It has happened to me once.
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
Posted 24 January 2011 - 12:31 AM
Posted 24 January 2011 - 12:58 AM
Posted 24 January 2011 - 04:58 AM
Thanks to all the guys that helps thanks !!! Have a nice day everyone
Posted 24 January 2011 - 08:13 AM
------------------------- 4G63T AWD COUPE -------------------------
----------------------- WWW.EVOCOUPE.NET -----------------------
Posted 24 January 2011 - 11:25 AM
it could be as simple as the pin that holds the waste gate actuator arm to the waste gate flapper has rusted through.....the the arm comes off the flapper. It has happened to me once. <---- Is the same fault !! actuator arm came off.. I replace it with a bigger and thicker pin hopes it will stay there 4ever
Thanks to all the guys that helps thanks !!! Have a nice day everyone
glad you fixed at work!!
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
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