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Converting from 4g91 to 4g93p

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The only engine I was able to acquire was from a proton satria gti the previous owner made some light mods dyno test had it at 160hp. My current car is a 94 auto mx lancer with 4g91 engine, i'm wondering if any one has any suggestion or words of advice for my conversion. I got the complete engine, loom, axles, cluster, gear box(pedals everything for auto to manual conversion) rear disc brakes, front evo3 brakes. So far the only guide i have is from here http://www.evocoupe.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3014 . Any help would be appreciated.



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What exactly do you want to do?




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What exactly do you want to do?

Well my auto transmission went bad so i decided to convert to manual one time. I just want to have may car to drive to and from work.



    Formerly known as FRONTN

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The guide looks good... Is there a specific area you need help on?
Have you worked on cars before?
TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.

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