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  • LocationBoronia, VIC
Hello there everyone,

My name is Stephen I am a member on www.Clubcj.net SIVART whom I am friends with has asked me to join up on here. Since I will be coming along to the Dyno Day at Springy motors thought would introduce myself to the club. I currently own a Lancer CJ VR 5sp 2.0L which I am very happy with and is nearly 1 year old. Just want to thank Travis(SIVART) for pointing me right direction getting great deal on my purchase and also on my trade in. In the past my Lancer experience started from 1999 where owed my first Lancer CE VRX Coupe. I owed that for 7 years then traded up to a 2006 CH VRX. I had that for 4 years then decided I want a cj model and traded up May last year. So here I am. Love anything to do with Lancers, Evo's no matter what model. And maybe one day will own a evo but for now happy modding my VR.





    Diamonds are forever....

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  • LocationMelbourne VIC
Hey, welcome! Is that yours that black one with the mods??



    Formerly known as FRONTN

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Welcome mate, yep Travis is a good bloke. I'm also going to the Springy dyno day, I'll come say hi and check out your car.

TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.




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Im glad you joined up

Stephen's Lancer is a pretty nice looking car, sound good too




  • Members
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  • LocationBoronia, VIC

Hey, welcome! Is that yours that black one with the mods??

Nah my car is a silver CJ VR that black evo x just a paint job did on a Xbox 360 game, Forza Motorsport 3. Will post pic as soon as work out how get it on here.




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here is a picture

this is what it started life like
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this is it now, well close its still got a few more things on it

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