Hmm ok, can I use a 609 maf with this engine? I've looked at them online and they appear to have a round opening where they are attached to the intake pipe.
If the rs comes with the evo bolt ons, turbo, manifold, injectors etc, then would the ecu not be suited to run these? Wouldn't that mean the rs ecu is the same ad the evo one?
Apologies for the newbie questions, I've only had experience with 4g93ts up until now...
Ok guys, I'm thinking I might just get a chip installed on my VR4 ECU to run an 055 or 609 MAF as it's just going to be neater and a lot easier to find than running the factory VR4 MAF, not to mention flow a lot better.
Anyone know where to get the ECU chipped in/around Sydney? Is this something MEEK can do? Anyone know a rough idea of cost??
Ok so I'm not sure if I'm missing something here...
I'm going to be putting a VR4 RS engine into my GTi, I've got the engine, small 16g turbo, matching VR4 RS ecu, matching loom, and standard 510cc injectors.
The only thing the engine didn't come with is the air flow meter, and now I'm trying to work out if it's worth while going with the factory VR4 unit or upgrading to a 609 or 055 AFM.
Why would I bother getting the 1.8l ecu chipped to run this engine and run it on the factory GTi loom when I've got everything matching the engine?
Sorry for all of the questions but this seems like it should be simpler than it's turning out to be?
Ok cool, I've got you now. In actual fact that makes things a lot easier considering if I get my GSR ECU chipped I should be able to just unplug everything and plug everything back in to the factory loom with the new engine?
Again, I hope I'm not sounding completely retarded here but if I purchased an EVO 1-3 ECU would that be an even easier option? Would this plug into my factory loom?