Yeah another good reason for getting a gearknob with the H-pattern on top of it.
The Police say that there must be an immediate indicator stating the shift pattern of the transmission so that anyone can operate the vehicle correctly in the event of an accident and/or whilst the vehicle is being serviced etc
Immediate as in on the gearknob itself or on a sticker stuck within the immediate vacinity or base of the shifter.
It sounds silly by today's standards but its understandable I guess. [edit - will have to look into it further as its been overlooked as a mod during discussions with RTA reps]
Someone should put stickers in Excels stating that you need to have your foot on the clutch to start the engine, or in Toyota Aurion's stating that there is a fkn footbrake and not a handbrake!! The cars wont move without knowing those little things either!
Edited by EVO-00X, 22 May 2011 - 03:17 AM.