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Haltec tuner and 4WD dyno wanted

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Ive been using RPW for most of my work, but after having a few issues with them, im wanting to try someone else.
I dont need a full tune, just a few niggles ironed out.



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Garage 101. Unit 1, 25 Forward Street East Victoria Park
4G93T - 11's on Pump 98
Standard parts (Cams, Exhaust Manifold, Throttle Body)



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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Garage 101. Unit 1, 25 Forward Street East Victoria Park

yep Steve is not bad.....just watch him on the timing side of things. He sometimes gets a bit aggressive there.

engine goes bang three weeks later.

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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Ive been using RPW for most of my work, but after having a few issues with them, im wanting to try someone else.
I dont need a full tune, just a few niggles ironed out.

what problems have you had with RPW




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Would he do a safer tune if i asked him to? Or does he just do it his way?



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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Would he do a safer tune if i asked him to? Or does he just do it his way?

yeah he will do what you ask but I bet he will ask you to do a full retune

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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yeah he will do what you ask but I bet he will ask you to do a full retune

When i had a slight problem he fixed it no worries when i took it back to rpw, give him a ring then decide whether to go somewhere else depending on his answer.

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