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intro and members ride all in one

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SKH Performance

SKH Performance


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Hey Guys . . .

well my name is Sean and i am from brisbane . . . Yeah , another one lol there is heaps of seans floating around the evo community :)

i have 2 trades , i did boilermaking straight out of school cos i wanted to quit and become a mechanic but i could not find a mech apprenticeship so my parents made me do boilermaking . once i finished that i was fortunate enough to be talkin to a guy who came in to get his custom IC tigged up , i said that i always wanted to be a mech and the chance for an adult apprenticeship was born ! ( i was 21 ) and , well . . . here i am , lol . did school till year 10 , boilermaking till 21 , mech till 26 and now doin shut down work for last like 18 months .

I do shut down work for a Qld based labor hire company and i get shipped all over the state for up to 8 weeks at a time doin shut down work on heavy shit and mining equiptment ! . mostly as a boilermaker cos they use diesel fitters not automotive mech's , but meah . . . . There is 100 cents in the dollar and it does not matter what job you earn them from . . .

I have my own Business called SKH Performance , its not a sale business , but a parts buying business and because I Enjoy building cars up to sell it helps having trade prices and with track days becoming more regular and the desire to build my self into a position that i have a evo 6 track car and can take a year off to race properly ( 5 year goal ) it helps immensely . Yes , i can get parts cheap and have the connections but i dont sell to people . family and CLOSE friends only . I will not be selling on here but i guess you can PM me if you get 100 % stuck i may sell the odd bit here and there but i wont be making it a regular thing because im not a financial member .

i have some coin behind me , about half of my estimated 75K finished target budget for the project of makin a 6 into a Time Attack Weapon , and the reason i have it is cos i dont blow it ;) . i was Driving a MX6 turbo and got sick of it so i sold it and went lookin for a GSR ( again , lol ) so i had a nice car i was happy driving while im trying to save coin . . .

Im about to show you the process of having a real nice drive car while saving to build an evo 6 time attack car . Full story and pictures to follow . . .

Step one : scour ebay , trading post , carsales , fourums ect . . . . done
Step two : Communicate with owner and secure vehicle for inspection . . . done
step three : inspect vehicle and pay the man . . . Currently in Progress
step four : get the vehicle to where you want it to be . . . not quite done but have a funny feeling it wont be hard , LOL :) :D :)

Edited by SKH Performance, 22 April 2011 - 06:50 PM.



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Well thats got to be one of the most interesting and infomative introductions we have had on the forum to date meethinks! :)

Welcome and have fun.

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

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nice write up bro welcome



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Should be interesting.......



    Wannabe Racer

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Should be interesting.......

LOL. I thought the same thing Dave. I'm eagerly awaiting the next update to this thread.
"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



    I wanna go fast

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Expect more novels :lol::lol::lol:

Love a good GSR project - keep the info coming Seano
Cheque it :) Chequered Flag Photography and more pics at www.facebook.com/ChequeredFlagPhotography
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