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WTB: RVR Climate Control Surround

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Hi Guys,

Chasing the climate control vent surround (bit that goes round the climate unit and includes the vents over) for a RVR HSG or a later model SSG (this is different to the older square style SSG unit). The image below is the surround type that I am chasing. Need to be willing to post to Perth or may be able to sort a Brisbane/Gold Coast collection.

Alternatively if no one has one but knows of a wrecker who may have what I am after then please let us know the details

Attached Thumbnails

  • vent_surround.JPG

Edited by Dr RVR, 01 May 2011 - 07:42 AM.



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that photo looks familar :rolleyes:
HID stands for "High Intensity Discharge", or if you dont adjust them properly, "Hi I'm a Dickhead".



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Busted :blink: Could not find the camera and was lazy so stole yours........thanks to4



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its a pitty you didnt post this last week, as i just traded my RVR in, the car yard wouldnt have cared if it had the original stuff back in it.
HID stands for "High Intensity Discharge", or if you dont adjust them properly, "Hi I'm a Dickhead".

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