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WTB : Evo 9 injectors

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Looking for a set of Evo 9 injectors with the 4 hole pintle plate ie not the 2 pintle Evo 8 injectors. Cheers Mike




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Hey Mike, if you still didnt find your self a set and you're in a rush; I can give you a set from my spare engine. And whenever you find some
you can either return mine or the ones you buy. Im not fussed. I can drop them off at your place tonight after work. Let me know ;)



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is the evo 4 injectors the same?

I got a set of evo 4 injectors if u want for $100




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is the evo 4 injectors the same?

I got a set of evo 4 injectors if u want for $100

4G93T No More



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Hey Mike, if you still didnt find your self a set and you're in a rush; I can give you a set from my spare engine. And whenever you find some
you can either return mine or the ones you buy. Im not fussed. I can drop them off at your place tonight after work. Let me know ;)

Thanks, my customer has found some yesterday as well, and the urgency is over.... but thanks for the offer ! Mike

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