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Torrent Modem Settings

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Hi Guys,

I recently had ADSL+2 activated at my place.

I havent downloaded anything in years (last time I downloaded movies/music was when napster was around.....). Everyone at work is telling me torrents are the way to go - but I know that file sharing has an upload component to it as well. The problem is that both uploads and downloads count as usage with TPG.....

I have a netgear DG834G.....

Im going to use utorrent or Vuze......

I also set the upload limit to 1KB p/s on utorrent but noticed that the outgoing was 14 kb/s on the toolbar on utorrent....

Any help would be much appreciated.


Edited by Squiddy, 20 May 2011 - 01:28 AM.

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click options > references > bandwidth > set global upload rate.
from here you can also limit how many people connect to you and vice versa.

also are you getting the green tick in the bottom bar?

yes it's me KHUBNER



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click options > references > bandwidth > set global upload rate.
from here you can also limit how many people connect to you and vice versa.

also are you getting the green tick in the bottom bar?

OK so if I set my global upload rate to 1Kb and my connections to 1 I should be able to stop people raping my upload limit?
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possibly you may find that the 1kb limit will be exceded sometimes but not by alot

yes it's me KHUBNER



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Ok Im home now -

Ive got my preferences set to:

on utorrent

upload rate: 1kb/s
Download: unlimited

Global max number of connections -10 (should this be higher? Is this download connections?))

Maximum number of connected peers per torrent - 5 (are these people uploading?)

number of upload slots per torrent: 0

Any suggestions?
"Did you say government car?"

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