Edited by Gabara, 21 May 2011 - 05:47 AM.
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Posted 21 May 2011 - 02:54 AM
Posted 21 May 2011 - 05:54 AM
the top bar is a strut brace not a sway bar and does a different thing all together
GENUINE CE9A evo2 gsr track car
all fabrication BJP AUTOMOTIVE
winton 1:27.4 /// sandown 1:21.5 /// phillip island 1:49.2 /// haunted hills 59.1 /// eastern creek 1:35.4 /// winton short 1:01.4
Posted 21 May 2011 - 06:47 AM
it is definatley better to run it, does it rattle?
the top bar is a strut brace not a sway bar and does a different thing all together
Na didn't realy rattle at all was fine I'm just worrying if it does any damage to body or driveline if I don't run it, it's a mission putting it on, so a strutbrace wont help at all ha
Posted 21 May 2011 - 09:07 PM
There is a good demo pic in how fender braces work for example. Other braces do a similar thing but for other parts of a chasis
Posted 22 May 2011 - 06:19 AM
As above. Strut braces do a totally different thing. There are loads of different braces u can get. The braces are there to strengthen the chasis. Stop it twisting/moving under high torque. Last month I posted something up about bracing
There is a good demo pic in how fender braces work for example. Other braces do a similar thing but for other parts of a chasis
Thanks Gianni some good info, see I thought the purpose of strutbrace was the same as Swaybar just help with oversteer and understeer I guess was wrong well I need one because my firewall is already showing sighns of
cracking, just have to see a way to put the Swaybar in without removing the crossmember completely.
Posted 22 May 2011 - 07:31 AM
Thanks Gianni some good info, see I thought the purpose of strutbrace was the same as Swaybar just help with oversteer and understeer I guess was wrong well I need one because my firewall is already showing sighns of
cracking, just have to see a way to put the Swaybar in without removing the crossmember completely.
I thought your swaybar was already in place but just not linked to the control arms? Linking the arms back up to the swaybar is a pretty straightforward job - just look for the hex drive in the link so you can do the nuts up.
Posted 22 May 2011 - 08:17 AM
I thought your swaybar was already in place but just not linked to the control arms? Linking the arms back up to the swaybar is a pretty straightforward job - just look for the hex drive in the link so you can do the nuts up.
I would wish was like that Na there is no Swaybar at all I picked one up today, I have the linkages already just mater Me putting it on. But just wondering if someone knows a trick to it because looks like the hole crossmember needs to comedown. Realy don't want to do that, besides it's not so bad with the understeer can imagine would be alot better drive with one just woried if the roll will damage anything wear and tear in long run.
Posted 22 May 2011 - 08:19 AM
But see if u can do it without removing xmember
Posted 22 May 2011 - 09:29 AM
If the sway bar isn't on the car the kframe has to come out. it's always good to take the kframe out if u have never done so before. Learn something new. If u end up taking the front xmember off be prepared for some muscle work to get engine mounts to line up. Jack stands always come in handy. Ooo. And my 2nd fav tool...the prybar. 1st fav being brakerbar
But see if u can do it without removing xmember
Yeap done so that why not so keen on doing it lol, you can't beat the breaker bar and the pole jack for lever extension =), there must be another way to it well I hope
Posted 22 May 2011 - 09:42 AM
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