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evo4+ into evo 1-3?

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jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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hi all, group thinking cap required
i know that the head is ass about with the intake and exhaust ending up on the wrong sides when engine is turned about, but,
can the later evo blocks accept the earlier heads and be swung around to sit on the pasenger side? is much involved?
are there differences in the timing belt arrangements and or tensioners? do all the brackets interchange ok?
does starter swap sides ok?
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. —Enzo Ferrari
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    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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damn site easier to just get an earlier evo motor jack. less hassle and probably cheaper even if that motor is only fifty bucks!

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.






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Rewelding engine and gearbox brackets, same for crossmember brackets, changing length of wires (or undoing loom and re-routing in different direction if they reach), placement of airbox, aircon pipes, radiator hoses... man, more hassle than its worth and will be harder to chase up a replacement engine in future. EVO 4-6 engines still suffer from crankwalk just like the 1-3's do anyway. Is it really worth the hassle going through all that instead of waiting for an Evo I-III block to come up for sale?
AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
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Pfft nimbus block, twin cam head, = winning



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I have 1 for sale :)
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    I am The Stigs fat cousin

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I have seen an Evo IX engine in an Evo I-III racecar over here. But that was an extreme way of taking advantage of class rules. From what I understand, a later model subframe went in without too much hassle. But there was definitely some cut 'n' weld when it came to the mounts either side of the engine bay.

'69 Escort Mk 1 2 door 

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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  • Locationperth sor. 20 mins from brians place
only asking about the block.
will it bolt to a gsr gearbox if it is narrow block?
it wont need to use roll stoppers as they are on the gearbox.
will the evo 1-3 head bolt onto the evo 4+ block?
that negates all the wiring issues for injectors and stuff and puts the turbo where you want it
are the front of the engines similar in the timing arrangement therefore the front engine mount changed to the evo 3 one.

maybe i will just find some pics on the net and just compare them.

nimbus is narrow block? 6 or 7 bolt?
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. —Enzo Ferrari
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only asking about the block.
will it bolt to a gsr gearbox if it is narrow block?
it wont need to use roll stoppers as they are on the gearbox.
will the evo 1-3 head bolt onto the evo 4+ block?
that negates all the wiring issues for injectors and stuff and puts the turbo where you want it
are the front of the engines similar in the timing arrangement therefore the front engine mount changed to the evo 3 one.

maybe i will just find some pics on the net and just compare them.

nimbus is narrow block? 6 or 7 bolt?

evo 1-3 head will not fit a 4+ block water and oil galleys are different

and just to correct an above comment the evo 5+ blocks do not get crank walk its impossible due to trust washer design

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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ok thanks evofan.
btw i loved dublin
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. —Enzo Ferrari
REMEMBER: you cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.

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