4GTuner iPad friendly???


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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2006
Gold Coast
Just want to find out if anyone else is using a iPad to surf 4gtuner??

I just find that only with 4gtuner i have to double tap everything for it to open.. Is this a setting i have or is it the just the way the board works??

If i use 4gtuner on my iphone 4 i get the mobile version and it works fine.. Just not on my ipad..
I was able to access the forum on an iPad, and I think I know what you mean. The forum links on the main page needed to be tapped twice before being able to see their content. The first tap only highlighted the link. I didn't find it that annoying, because it was only the main page forum index that required that double-tapping. Once inside the forum, I was able to navigate using only one tap.
4gtuner forum has 2 skins: the regular one (served when accessed using the PC) and a mobile one (served for Android, iPod). iPad gets the PC one by default, but you can always switch to the mobile one if you like. There is a dropdown in the left bottom corner of the screen. It has 2 options - 4GTuner and IP.Board Mobile. Switch to mobile to see if you like it more. It may help you with the double-tapping, but on the other hand you may not like it as it is designed for smaller screens.

Another option is to download a free app for iPad developed by ipBoard. I was not able to try it, but it may give you a better interface optimized for iPad.
