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BAZENG. Daily Galant AMG. (1989)

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    Gday maaaate

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Did some cooling mods for the engine oil cooler and trans oil cooler.

Quick and easy. Yet to be completed. Need to make some ducts and diverter plates to direct cold air in... 458dbc219dac3173e5ce5e8d066f6fa9.jpgf2c999c30c250737de3bf296695108c9.jpg9bfb7da720a59de27a375b3e248de3e9.jpg55500f5e1df641c1da09288b73875cc6.jpgc8c79c393e88342e1b555166ae1b1620.jpg0660de4d2239312e62f35cce0dc122da.jpg71a8e7a999ce7078dd637065d93627b1.jpg06e602348e26627da9a8c9bec5ce9899.jpgfb0f08153fe3ba54d87929f1092fa409.jpg

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    Gday maaaate

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On Sunday I attended the MCM regional meet at Winton raceway. It drove to the track without any issues.

As I went to drive on the track the car started playing up! Fouling plugs, running rich.....

Managed to do a session (20 mins) of cruising with other cars.. Had some fun. Beat some wrx's...

Managed to get it home and figured out it was leaky injectors....

I had the laptop and could resolve the tune. One second rich as a pig (9:1), the next 14:1.....

It was doing my head in.. On cruise it was fine... Just idle...

So injectors will be sent out for a service... 32e59f35ec1d36550671ebdb907ac650.jpgb469a2fcab8abccd1d6dc7fcd1300ea5.jpg5ef7aa067636d5322d274ea1e3a7d577.jpge4f6fb95db2fb91b7d537fc8016253b1.jpg96e0410235ac5e655c4c814653e501b5.jpg

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    Wannabe Racer

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I got my injectors serviced at EFI Hardware.  They found that two injectors were flowing 5% less than the other two.  Really good service and turnaround time.  Highly recommended.

Edited by ENGINR, 02 November 2017 - 03:53 AM.

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



    Gday maaaate

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OK so I had my injectors tested and they are perfect.

No issues whatsoever.

I'm going to rewire my fuel pump to run a relay. I'm thinking it could be voltage related.

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Hey Bazeng,

Nice car!

I was wondering which club you joined to get your VR4 on club plates.
I plan on putting my Evo1 on club plates.  Tried PM'ing you, but you "can't accept new messages"



    Gday maaaate

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Contact infini car club mate.
Jesse is his name



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Looks great mate. I like the grill for the auto cooler. i want to do something similar on my legnum. I have the cooler in the same place.
2001 Legnum daily

A-spec VR4 FP3052 in construction.

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