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Clarion Head unit Installation Issues

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Hey guys.
So today i installed a Clarion VX400A DVD head unit in my EVO 8 MR.
I had some issues with the installation as the normal head unit power constant power wire was not generating enough power to run the dvd on constant power.
So i tapped into the ignition wires.
After i finished the installation my car would not start.
At first i thought it was one of the wires i had tapped into that was causing it not to start.
But after jump starting the car i realised this was not the case.
After going for a quick drive i realised that my central locking was not working on my key and all the doors now require manual locking.
Also the clock in the centre console is no longer working.
I think that after disconnecting the battery terminals for the installation it has effected the central locking.
The clock not working is my fault as i have not connected it to a power after cutting the original plug for the stock head unit for the new Clarion.

While we are on the topic of the installation, i am looking for a way to bypass the hand-break connection.
The new head units these days don't allow a simple ground of this wire anymore, instead this cable requires a pulse.

With my old car i connected it through the antenna, which allowed you to access the video while driving after pressing the the fm button and back to the dvd.

All feedback is much appreciated, would like to sort this central locking issue and clock issue out ASAP.






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I know it's a old post but sounds like one of the fuses have blown.




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I agree. Fuse is an issue. Clock shouldn't be affected by not having a head unit plugged in.

With not drawing enough power that alone is a little strange. Check your constant 12v is putting out (12v) constantly. And your main 12v is sending signal when ignition is on. Otherwise try running a new constant from the battery not the ignition. Ignition just triggers a relay in headunit to draw power from battery trough constant. Hence when you cut off ignition it turns headunit off but still saves settings.

With the DVD playing. What kind of pulse I it looking for

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