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18" wheels

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  • PipPip
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  • LocationAdelaide- Salisbury heights
Hi guys

I am looking at getting some 18" wheels for my white evo 1. What rim width/offset and tyres size fit. I like the KSpeed 18" pro gear in gold which come in 7.5" wide and contacted Tempe tyres was told they are no longer available. I have sent 7 day tyres an email and will ring them tomorrow, any wher else I could try? I then found some similar rims from Apec wheels but they only come in 18 x 8, will these fit and if so what offset would i need? I have coilovers on my car and have done the rear tab mod to the bumper. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Craig



    Gday maaaate

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What do they look like? You may need to roll your guards to clear 8 inch rims.

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