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Newbie Help Needed

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I know it's a bit late but got an old Gsr wreck and a sedan for parts if your keen on anything




  • Members
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I know it's a bit late but got an old Gsr wreck and a sedan for parts if your keen on anything

Thanks but is a bit late.
Got all I need but will pass your name onto to others who may need some things



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Hi Dane you you know of any CC Lancers being wrecked in this area. I had some low life bl*** brake into my car last night and have smashed the right rear quarter glass and after all of that....took nothing!! I am also chasing 2 speaker covers for the front doors plus other little bits and pieces. I am going to put a WTB on the site also but just thought you might know someone. My car is booked into Dynolink on the 7th

Your car for sale?


BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

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