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Wreaking Burgundy Galant vr4, Rims, Diff, Shafts, Bov, Intercooler
Started by TRQ-STR, Sep 24 2011 12:34 PM
Posted 29 November 2011 - 07:09 AM
90 VR4, Ecmlink, 055 MAF, Bomz alloy intake, TD05 20g, 560cc AFPR, Walbro Fuel Pump, Evo 3 Ex Manifold and Dump, 3 inch Exhaust
Posted 30 November 2011 - 11:42 AM
I am considering bringing the vr4 wreck down to the meet at westerfolds park, allowing the vr4 guys a final opportunity to purchase items which may be of interest to them. Last day before she gets scraped!
Also, my friend found his stock exhaust so this one is back up for sale. I have added a pic for those who are interested. As can be seen the rear muffler has been replaced with a canon, Pm if interested.
I am considering bringing the vr4 wreck down to the meet at westerfolds park, allowing the vr4 guys a final opportunity to purchase items which may be of interest to them. Last day before she gets scraped!
Also, my friend found his stock exhaust so this one is back up for sale. I have added a pic for those who are interested. As can be seen the rear muffler has been replaced with a canon, Pm if interested.
Edited by trq-str, 30 November 2011 - 11:42 AM.
----|VR4 4G63 RS|MicroTech lt8s|TD0625g|Ported & Polished Head|HKS Front Mount|3" Exhaust|----
|Coilovers|Swaybars|VR-4 2pot Calipers|TP rears|Evo3 Master/Booster|Evo 3 front bar|Side Skirts|Rear Lip|
|Coilovers|Swaybars|VR-4 2pot Calipers|TP rears|Evo3 Master/Booster|Evo 3 front bar|Side Skirts|Rear Lip|
Posted 03 December 2011 - 08:29 AM
Posted 03 December 2011 - 08:08 PM
Hey, id take the rear half shafts/axels if you have them, thats if youred be willing to send them to the gold coast?!
Posted 05 December 2011 - 05:38 AM
PM’s have been sent!
----|VR4 4G63 RS|MicroTech lt8s|TD0625g|Ported & Polished Head|HKS Front Mount|3" Exhaust|----
|Coilovers|Swaybars|VR-4 2pot Calipers|TP rears|Evo3 Master/Booster|Evo 3 front bar|Side Skirts|Rear Lip|
|Coilovers|Swaybars|VR-4 2pot Calipers|TP rears|Evo3 Master/Booster|Evo 3 front bar|Side Skirts|Rear Lip|
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