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  • Locationdevonport,Tas
hi there im new here! i just brought a 4g63t powered 95 gsr its my first 4g powered car




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Welcome mate, show us some pics in the Members Rides section.
4G93T No More




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  • Locationdevonport,Tas
Cheers mate will do! I work away so won't get onto itfor a few days as it won't let me upload pics of my iphone



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Welcome mate...I posted this the other day and I'll repost it for you...Easy as to upload pics from phone...

Get the Photobucket Mobile app, register/sign up. After you have the app, goto Upload Media, choose existing, this will bring up your photos in your phone library. Pick a photo and it will begin processing. After the photo has loaded to Photobucket, look for the MY Albums in the app, click on my albums and choose a pic you want to post. When the pic comes up, look for the white circle with the "i" in it, touch the "i" symbol , the screen will pop up with different formats to choose. Choose the IMG, then a pop up will come up "Copy IMG code" press OK. Now you copied it, go to what ever thread to reply. Type in what ever you want to say, when your ready to post the picture, touch and hold for a second or two then release. *Then a black pop up will ask what you want to do, touch the "Paste" icon and it will put in the IMG code in the thread your on. That's it, the picture will show up on your reply real big, not as a thumbnail. 

Good luck..
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



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Jamo has got the answer right there he told me the other day and works a treat :)



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Welcome mate, enjoy your stay here :P
The car sounds like fun, so definitely want to see some pics :)

J-spec white RS-Evolution GVR4 - soon to move for the first time in 2 years  :thumbsup: 

A-spec maroon GVR4

A-spec silver GVR4 - sold and racing!!!




  • Members
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  • Locationdevonport,Tas
Thanks heaps jamo just sorting it all out now cheers man

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