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FS: 18" Lenso CF5 with tyres

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miss evo

miss evo


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  • LocationGold Coast
18" Lenso CF5's (18" x 7.5, 4 x 114.3, 42 Offset
As new - some minor damage on one wheel as shown in pictures below. Done less than 1000km on a friends evo before purchasing them, have not yet made it onto my car and upgrades mean they will no longer fit so have to change them...$1200 (feel free to make an offer)Gold Coast - ElanoraContact via PM or mobile - 0430190069 (leave a message if I don't answer
Pictures will be up shortly :)photo.jpg photo.jpg

Edited by miss evo, 21 November 2011 - 01:19 AM.

**Project Evo II In Progress**

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