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Blitz Sbc Icolor Boost Controller And Blitz Dtt Dc Turbo Timer + Boost Gauge

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    Ye Olde Member

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  • LocationAdelaide, SA
Item: Blitz SBC iColor Boost Controller (Black)
Item Condition: Used, but fully functional when it was used last (about a week ago).
Price: $650 posted
Extra Info: Does way more than control boost but it does that very well.
These are selling on eBay/Just Jap for $1099 new.
Location: Adelaide
Preferred Contact Method: PM

Item: Blitz DTT DC Turbo Timer and Boost Gauge (Black)
Item Condition: Used, but fully functional when it was used last (about a week ago).
Price: $100 posted
Extra Info: "The boost display can read up to 2.5hkpa (36.75psi) and also includes a digital boost peak hold."
Location: Adelaide
Preferred Contact Method: PM

Take both for $700 posted. B)

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