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Importing to Australia

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  • Members
  • Pip
  • 6 posts
  • LocationIreland
Hello everyone,

I have an Evo 2 GSR and am considering going to Australia in March.
I was planning on selling the car before I left but now I'm thinking of shipping it over.

Can someone please tell me what i might need to do regards shipping, laws about importing and anything else that might be overlooked.

All feedback is appreciated. Thank you



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  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationPerth, WA
i looked into this a while ago,

You would need to bring your car into Australia under the Personal Imports scheme, a basic run down.

you need to get approval to import first
you then organise a freight company to ship your car, roll on roll off, container etc
when it arrives, you have customs, stamp duty, GST and wharfing fees
the you need to get the car registerd (licensed), each state is different whit regards to mods etc.

there are a few companies which will do all of that for you if you doa quick google.

not recomending these guys, but its a place to start.
HID stands for "High Intensity Discharge", or if you dont adjust them properly, "Hi I'm a Dickhead".




  • Members
  • Pip
  • 6 posts
  • LocationIreland
Cheers Mate.

Turns out I'm not eligible as i will only be going over on a working holiday visa.

It's the only thing that wont let me bring it with me.

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