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need a mechanic/shop?

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hey guys just wondering if you guys are able to help me finding a mechanic/shop who works on performance side, eg changing camshaft, upgrade exhaust,
and services major timingbelt and stuff

this is quite urgent, because my car is running so crap atm, please help




    Wannabe Racer

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hey guys just wondering if you guys are able to help me finding a mechanic/shop who works on performance side, eg changing camshaft, upgrade exhaust,
and services major timingbelt and stuff

this is quite urgent, because my car is running so crap atm, please help


Essendon Tyrepower in Niddrie. Their resident mechanic Paul is an absolute gun and the only guy I trust to work on my car (if I can't do the work myself).

Speak to Ricky or Russell, tell them Shayne (with the Evo Coupe Lancer) referred you to them and see what they say about possibly being able to help you.

Edited by ENGINR, 12 January 2012 - 12:54 AM.

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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thats a little too far for the car to travel, sorry i forgot to mention s.e melbourne, but thanks for the help Shayne



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i can do it.. =P

braaap brap bbbrraaaap brrrap sSSssSSSsSsSSSsSsHHhHhHhHHHHhh TuTu Ut TuT uTut UTUt uTuTuT utU TuT utttuuUu 



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i can do it.. =P

where abouts you located, you reckon you can help me with all the things i listed? and also my suspension is bad aswell



    Wannabe Racer

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thats a little too far for the car to travel, sorry i forgot to mention s.e melbourne, but thanks for the help Shayne

Factor in about $120 for a tow to Niddrie (call Lurch's towing - I put a reference in the Business section on this forum). If you're serious about fixing your car (and fixing it properly) then it's worth taking it to the right people regardless of how far they are from you.
"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin

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