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exhaust resonators

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I am looking into upgrading my exhaust after being ripped off by the last lot that robbed me. I noticed these tornado type resonators with spiral type internals. Just wanted to know if they are better or worse than the normal ones? cant seem to find any facts on other forums etc.

link: http://www.ebay.com....=item5ae11e31f3

and a quote from the ad, but sellers will claim anything to sell their product so i wanted to see if i can get facts before i decide.

We have found that our Tornado resonators not only excel in performance orientated exhausts but also have the added advantage of stopping the drone inside the vehicle.

The spiral internals, as shown in the picture, work by creating a vortex in the resonator that helps to drag the exhaust gases from the engine. This in turn adds to performance and increased exhaust flow.



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:blink: :lol:

Sounds like a load of shit to me....

" This in turn adds to performance and increased exhaust flow. "

^ This....how can they expect anyone to believe that? In my knowledge straight through is the best for increasing flow..not a spiral??

Edited by jamo-gsr, 13 January 2012 - 06:47 AM.

[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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exhaust pulses act like sound waves... so sticking a spiral wall infront of it.... no, it is not a good or effective idea... straight through is better. But the restriction in that probably would make it quieter :P



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Restriction can make it quieter, but you also have to see if you are pressurising it, are you then allowing it to expand, as I found that going from 1.5"->2"->1.5"->5.5" Stacks had the end result of louder due to expansion.


Edited by Rumbuck, 02 June 2012 - 07:13 AM.

I'm a circle workin', bonnett surfin', tail gaitin', pig chasin', rum skullin', piss cuttin', ute stackin', whip crackin',
have a hoot, lose ya boot, hit the floor, get a score, grab a cup, bundy up, B&S Warrior.

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    Gday maaaate

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Any update on this? I'm looking at a resonator for the AMG.

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