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4 stud to 5 stud

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    Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines....

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should have thought about all that at the start of the year when i was wrecking a 3000GT!!

while your at it.... see if you can mate the 3000GT clutch master booster to our clutches as well :)

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OK I see...makes sense. I think the 3000gt front calipers at least are of similar volume to the 2 pot stockers though? I dunno. I've always thought the ABS in the cars were horrible, and since it's broken in mine I haven't really cared at all. Then again, I haven't had to emergency brake for a while either.

But with that said.. the ABS control unit in the 3000gt is the same part number as in the e39a.. which is weird? But at any rate, surely a full 3000gt brake conversion including ABS unit etc would result in correct function?

I need to find someone wrecking a 3000gt who is really generous ahahah..

Yeah I get pretty obsessed when I think an idea is useful and possible :D After exams I'll be down at u-pullit I'm sure.

while your at it.... see if you can mate the 3000GT clutch master booster to our clutches as well :)

Ahaha.. yeah.. looking at ASA I don't think that will just bolt up.

Edited by doommachine, 24 October 2012 - 12:38 PM.

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