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Hi Guys

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2 replies to this topic




  • Active Members
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  • LocationAdelaide, SA
Hey guys, been a member on here for a while now but amazingly never got around to introducing myself or really using the forum that much. Pretty much a Mitsubishi enthusiast like many of you here, have only ever owned mitsu’s and probably only ever will :)

I own an 85 cordia gsr and have had it for the last 10+ years…it was actually my first car and have owned it since I was 17. It’s my pride and joy, and have spent countless hours along with plenty of hard earned money on it. Ill create a thread in the members ride section & post a few photos as well as some more info into the car.

Anyway’s nice to meet you all and hopefully I’ll become a more active user here on the forum

Cheers Adam
Adam - Porps
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Hi adam,

You have to put a pic of your setup, you have a epic cordia there





  • Active Members
  • Pip
  • 4 posts
  • LocationAdelaide, SA
Just threw up a few photo's Travis, just head over to the members rides section, cheers
Adam - Porps
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