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WTB: 3" Dump pipe for VR4

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The flange on my exhaust has become warped when it was attached properly (dont ask why - it was a necessary rush job!) So im going to need a new one. I plan on using whatever dump i buy and just joining it to the old system.

The rest of the exhaust is mild steel so im assuming i should keep it the same? If im wrong good because i have more options! lol

Thanks guys




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have a search on forums.nzmmc.co.nz for a guy called ActionDAN, he will make you a 3 inch dump :wink:
1984 Mazda RX7

2000 Triumph Daytona 955i

1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]




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I'll save you the trouble of searching :)


Dsmlink V3 + E85 :drool: 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her

Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!

How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.




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Thanks very much guys i am going to speak to that guy asap!

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