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Cold Air Intake/Boxes.

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So, just trying to see what people are running etc.

Currently I'm trying this setup out, small pod inside a ally box that collects all the cold air from the factory snorkel. Feels improvement from low down, plus gives the better sound, but it's still pretty quiet.

Posted Image

If it still feels better later on, i'll fab up a better box,





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im running a hks pod... its ok but but it doesnt get enough air i have evo 7 vents that ill be fitting to the bonnet, so im hoping for some improvement

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not really scientific but ^^^

Edited by 4th, 14 May 2012 - 02:10 AM.



    Token Tassie

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nope, and either is the fact that the car wasnt retuned to suit the new setup ;)

Im building a CAI atm for my rvr (boredom really lol) will post pics when i get home
97 N23W HyperGear R
267awkw on 17psi



    Gday maaaate

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My AMG Galant airbox....

Custom airbox (1).jpg Custom airbox (2).jpg Custom airbox.jpg



    Token Tassie

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is that sheets of cf baz? mind if i see some build up pics of this? i prefer this over my plan to sheetmetal one
97 N23W HyperGear R
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looks like the carbon wrap ive got lol i payed 20 bucks for a square meter got it off gumtree



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If anyone wants a part # for the pod filter adaptor for Mitsubishi AFM SAAS do one, # SFA1.




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nope, and either is the fact that the car wasnt retuned to suit the new setup ;)

Im building a CAI atm for my rvr (boredom really lol) will post pics when i get home

i agree with you but retuning for the setup wasn't the point of the video there is no doubt CAI have a positive effect even if it's not kw related (intake temps for one even after they just took of the headlight a more stable intake temp is going to be better for response and torque) the point of the video was dispell the rumors and marketing ploy by sellers of CAI's stating their product offers x kw's right out of the box of course if your tune is optomized you'd see more power but i wouldn't consider more kw as the only reason to do one.

my coupe uses the stock box drawing from the fender normaly in this area there is a U shaped peice of plastic that come back up under the batery mine isn't there so i technically have cai

yes it's me KHUBNER

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