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what gearbox help please

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  • Pip
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  • Locationwestern sydney
Gday I have a ausspec 91 vr4 with a failing box . Can I put a later box in her and where can I get one .
I live near Penrith Sydney . Thanks



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  • LocationMelbourne VIC
What do you mean by later box?

A W5M33 will be what you want... these days it would be hit and miss with a second hander unless you get some sort of warranty?

Lots of factors here- daily or not (time off road etc) how long you'll keep it for etc- sometimes it pays to do a refresh on what you have. Bearings, syncros etc.




  • Members
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  • Locationwestern sydney
Thank you doc from what you have said and what I've
Read on here I think ill rebuild my one.
By "later one" I meant later model EVO 3 etc.
The only off road i take it is up the dirt driveway at work
So its a daily drive .

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