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Galant GSR suspension

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Hello again lads!

I have recently bought a 4g63t for my 1989 Galant GSR (bargain price too) but I was speaking with some friends and they say that because the car is a FWD and the engine is meant for an AWD I will need some godly suspension to compensate for the power of the engine or something...

I have the stock GSR shocks and springs right now and people of suggested coil overs (I like the sound of it) but I'd just like to know what you guys suggest? Like brands and prices and such.

I don't really know much about suspension but I am keen to learn! :)




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lol man i'm running everything from my orginal fwd setup on my awd 4g93t. you won't need different suspension it may help for some extra weight that may be present but isn't the be all end all

yes it's me KHUBNER



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Same as k. I'm using my stock (but lowered springs) suspension. And it'll help with the extra weight. But cool overs are a great upgrade. I've just ordered mine. Main reason is because my wheels scrub do want more camber. Also because I'm now awd I want it alot stiffer



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If I am to put this 4g63t engine in, how much power am I expecting to have? Is it 200hp roughly? More to the point, would it be a death trap or anything?




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about 150kw maybe alil more and no it wont be a death trap if you drive resposibly

yes it's me KHUBNER



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Cheers guys!

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