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Coil pack question

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I'm sure this question is noob but.....

Can you swap between a coil pack with tacho interface with a coil pack without tacho interface?

I'm thinking it'll be no problem, just my tacho won't work.

It's a VR4 engine running a microtech MT8.

Picture not the clearest, they're both oriented the same way, don't want to open new one in case i have to take it back.

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yes you can ,you are correct with the tacho interface. Remember that the plug is different as well,a 3 pin for the non tach coils and a 4 pin for the tacho inface coils. if you want a tacho to work you can either swap the individual coils and still run the tacho interface ,or if your lucky you have a plug on the igniter pack with the extra white wire for a tacho pickup

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