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Hi agen all.

Ok so I've been on lilevo web site so I can order his DVD on AWDING a CB with a vr4 rear end.

I've sent him a couple of Email's asking dose he still have them for sale.

Bcoz I don't just want to put $50 in his acc for nothing 😳

Does any body know how to get ahold of him or know him.

Or does anybody have the DVD that I could borrow or buy.

Or know where to get all the info. I've been looking on all the site and just can't find the info I need.

I'm stressing alittle bcoz I'm picking up a vr4 rear end and transfer case tomorrow.

If anybody could help me out that would be great thank you. 😓



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Look a little harder dude, the info (pictures) are on 4g61t.org.

I can't remember where but there are at least 3 build threads worth reading.
HID stands for "High Intensity Discharge", or if you dont adjust them properly, "Hi I'm a Dickhead".

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