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Advice on buying evo 6

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Hey guys,

Currently looking at two evo's for sale. Since budget is limited, I have found two that I may be able to get at a good price since a little work is needed to be done.

Evo 6 - needs a rear diff. Would it be worth buying a car needing a rear diff and how much would this cost?

Evo 6.5 - has a gearbox oil leak. Owner says that it requires removal of transfer case to replace lip seal. Anyone know how much this costs?

What are your thoughts on buying these cars that need a little fixing?

Cheers :)




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If it's shaft seal on gearbox its pretty straight forward and the seals are about $7-$9 each. I changed a transfer case seal in about 2 hours on a hoist.




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Thanks man, that should be ok then. Any idea on a new diff? Couple grand?



    Wannabe Racer

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You'd be better off ringing an EVO specialist workshop (MEEK for instance in your part of the country) and getting some feedback from them. See if either owner will take the car to such a workshop so that the amount of work to be done can be properly assessed, otherwise you're really guessing and could be in for a nasty surprise when you take ownership of the car.

If your budget is limited, a few $ spent now paying for such a pre-purchase inspection could save you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ down the track.

Edited by ENGINR, 10 June 2012 - 12:44 AM.

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Thanks man, that should be ok then. Any idea on a new diff? Couple grand?

Seen a couple on eBay for around the $1200 mark. Is it the actual diff or the AYC that's dodgy?

I thought drive shaft seals would be difficult and hard to come by but the seal part number is same as Magna AWD. I even replaced seals when I ugraded clutch and flywheel 4 weeks ago.



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The 6.5 is in my local area. From what Ive been told, May pay to get to get a mechanic to look at it before buying it.
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Check with an Evo specialist first obviously but the 6.5 is a better car to own IMHO
Better turbo, gear ratios, steering rack, TME interior and rims FTW.
The only problem I had with mine was electrical and that ended up being a dodgey ICE install ;)
Also if the AYC is stuffed then you can always get an RS rear end and do away with it all together.
This would make for a better responding car that's around 30kgs lighter
My 2c

95 White JDM Evo 3: Now a Tarmac Toy

00 White JDM TME: Daily Rip



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I seen a rear AYC diff for 760 from the UK the seal would be cheaper if you do the work yourself or know someone who can do it cheap pulling the gearbox out could be a big job.

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