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evo7 ecu or immobolizer?

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Chris Nguyen

Chris Nguyen


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ok so the car is an evo7 (manual) .. was driving down the road noticed the engine light came on within about 2mins the car shut off ... so i try to start it up again , it starts and sounds normal but will only idle for about 3 - 5 secs before shutting off again, even with foot on accelerator the car will still turn off .. i had a mechanic hookup his scanner to the ecu to see what codes its giving , turns out its giving multiple codes (too many) crank angle,spit sensor,cam sensor,afm etc etc all the main sensor codes came up .. now my mechanic reckons from his experience that when you usually get that many codes all at once its usually the ECU playing up? so i looked around for another ECU,but found out not many ppl have them and if they did it ranges from $250 - $500, thats a great gamble but have spoken to another person and i was advised to remove the cars immobilizer (also has aftermarket mongoose) because if the immobilizer is not working correctly it could send error codes to the ECU causing the car to keep shutting down and should atleast start from there .. will be having that removed tomorrow , has anyone had similiar issues?

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