what are normal temps for idling running etc (i'm running e85)
cold when first installed i had 16* 16* 15* 16* which i though was pretty good and close
when it warmed up and Idling I had 1 & 3 were like 430* and 2 & 4 were only 386*
I havent driven it yet. will do tomorrow - not sure what to expect - maybe the heat cycle with sort things out?
I want to get each cylinder even in fueling (had problems in the past - burnt piston, lans letting go - but no signs of det. etc)
tried adding 10% fuel trim on cyl 1 but only seem to drop temps down by 10 odd degs. and 10% fuel trim is F'n huge on a 2200cc injector
the car runs full seq injection & ignition with 4 ind. coil packs and ignitors. all probes were fitted in exactally same position in each runner at a depth of 5.5mm into the runner as per instructions from haltech.
so the 1&3 2&4 difference thing was a little perplexing (thinking of wasted spark days)
I dont think the intake manafold design would be out that much to make that much difference.
all injectors are new and the engine is nice and fresh 2000ks maybe
anyone running EGT's advice I'm all ears!!
Edited by JETGSR, 24 July 2012 - 11:41 PM.