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BOV problem

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hey guys, i took my turbosmart bov off its dualport kompact, and just block the piping up and it gave me a dose sound, but i wanted to go back to the turbosmart which i did, but now its still dosing and a lil woosh sound after the dose... did i place it wrong or is the bov faulty can someone help please...




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was it doing it before when it was on?
how much does it flutter before venting?

try backing the spring in the BOV off a bit so that it vents easier, this may solve it.
by the sounds of it, it may not be venting properly which is why it will flutter first then vent. make sure its on properly and connected to a good vac source.

my last car used to always start to flutter before the BOV vented, i would get 1 loud arse dose then the bov would vent straight after. didn't bother me at all though - i just put it down to combination of bov size and placement vs turbo size and decent boost.



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hrmmm i see, yeah it was properly in good order until i changed it (blocking it to make the dose) and now i want the dual port back on and it makes that sound then the vent after... maybe i should try the springs wind it back a bit...

just to make sure, which side do i place the dual port recirc side or the side where the piston go up and down by pushing (noob question)




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the inlet (bottom) of the bov goes to your intercooler piping.
the recirc outlet goes to your turbo inlet
the trumpet vents to atmosphere

how exactly did you block it to get your flutter?



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i just got some blocker with silicone hose for the intercooler kos mines a custom piping so my bov is hidden

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