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- - - - - I need this stuff gone!

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Hey guys

I've still got a fair few parts from stripping my 1997 RVR HSG. They're in a storage shed so I want them gone. If you're interested in or would like pics of anything, PM or Text me on 0421795922. Name your price and if its reasonable I'll consider it. Shipping at buyers expense, pick-up available in Brisbane.

I've got the following items:

- HSG 4G63T Engine harness $50 ONO
- HSG Engine mounts (all 4 in good condition) $200 ONO
- HSG Front Right guard $100 ONO
- HSG Front Left guard $100 ONO
- HSG Rear Spoiler/Wing $100 ONO
- HSG Instrument Cluster $10
- HSG Door power window switch panels $10
- HSG Steering column switch assembly $10
- HSG Front Left headlight $40
- HSG Radiator with fans $200
- HSG L & R Side mirrors $50 pair
- HSG Standard Airbox and piping $50 ONO
- HSG Alternator $150 ONO
- HSG L & R Indicators $40 pair
- HSG Standard intercooler piping $20
- HSG Radiator overflow bottle $20
- HSG L & R Side Skirts pair $150




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PM'd :)
Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car and oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall, torque is how far you take the wall with you.

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