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[111-GSR] 93 Lancer GSR
Posted 22 September 2013 - 12:56 PM
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Posted 22 September 2013 - 01:12 PM
Posted 24 September 2013 - 02:42 AM
Posted 20 October 2013 - 10:31 AM
And so the new engine is in:
Still to do in the engine bay:
- Change clutch (New OEM unit is not liking the 17psi treatment).
- New bigger FMIC with new IC pipin (Current piping is poo)
- Install C/F plug cover (Need to get some stainles steel bolts).
- Wire-tuck.
- Install a lid onto airbox.
- Make up a catch can (So breathers will run braided lines into it).
- Spray strut brace satin black.
- Cleanup p/steer pump + replace OEM line with braided line.
- Install s/steel heat shield to exhaust manifold.
- Get custom C/F cover made up for cam pulleys.
- Make alloy overflow bottle.
- Make alloy washer fluid bottle.
And that should do this bay for now
After engine bay is done, next will be 5stud conversion and new wheels.
Edited by BZY247, 20 October 2013 - 10:32 AM.
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