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New 4GTuner Sponsor - Extreme Project World

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  • Administrators
  • 301 posts
  • LocationToronto
On behalf of all 4GTuner members I would like to welcome Extreme Project World as a new sponsor.

We are a new store located in Sydney . Currently we only sell our products , but soon we will have also our own workshop to do also installations .
My name is James and I am the owner of Extreme Project World .
We import the following products as main dealers :
Clutch Masters , Ralco RZ , Nology , Cat Cams , Touge Speed Automotive , AFI Turbo .
We are on discussion with some more companies to become their dealer here in Australia .
We also import the following :
Wiseco , Cp Pistons, Je Pistons, Diamond Racing Pistons, K1 Technologies , Molnar Industries (which is formed by the former CEO of K1 Tech , Tom Molnar)Cometic,ARP,Mishimoto,Cusco,Ferrea,HKS,Deat schWerks,SFS Hoses,Samco,Cosworth,AP Racing , StopTech and many more .

We also do custom parts like : custom rods , pistons , crankshafts , intake plenums , etc.

See this post for contact details and more information:


Please support the sponsors that support your forum!

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