Turbos (CEA = billet wheel):
Price from 990$ including GST
Group B housings:
PTE5557 CEA Compressor - 570 hp
PTE5857 CEA Compressor - 605 hp
Group C housings:
PTE6262 CEA Compressor - 680 hp
Price from 1150$ including GST
Group D housings:
PTE6266 CEA Compressor - 745 hp
Group D housings:
PTE6766 CEA Compressor - 945 hp
Price from 1570$ including GST
Group E housings:
PTE6768 CEA Compressor - 935 hp
PTE7168 CEA Compressor - 945 hp
Group F housings:
PTE7175 CEA Compressor - 985 hp
PTE7675 CEA Compressor - 1200 hp
Group B Housing Options (with a/r ratios):
T3 4 bolt: .48, .63, .82
T3 vband (2.5" outlet): .48, .63
T4 vband (3" outlet): .58, .68
Vband inlet/outlet (2" inlet, 3" outlet): .64, .82
Group C Housing Options (with a/r ratios):
T3 4 bolt: .63, .82
T3 vband (2.5" outlet): .63, .82
T4 vband (3" outlet): .58, .68
Vband inlet/outlet (2" inlet, 3" outlet): .82
Group D Housing Options (with a/r ratios):
T3 4 bolt: .63, .82
T3 vband (2.5" outlet): .63, .82
T4 vband (3" outlet): .58, .68, .81, .96
Vband inlet/outlet (2" inlet, 3" outlet): .82
Group E Housing Options (with a/r ratios):
T4 vband (3" outlet): .58, .68, .81, .96
Group E Housing Options (with a/r ratios):
T4 vband (3" outlet): .81, .96
There are also T4 divided housing available as well .
A/r's available: .84, 1.0, 1.15, or 1.32
Waste gates:
39mm 235$ including GST
46mm 350$ including GST
66mm 500$ including GST
There are many more options .
I will update during the day with TurboSmart , Garret , Tial products .
For more info or inquiries please see or send us a pm or email at [email=""][email protected][/email]
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Turbo Products-Precision/Garrett/Tial/TurboSmart
Started by Extremer!, Sep 17 2012 07:34 AM
Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:34 AM
Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:35 AM
RacePort BOV 385$ including GST
Ultra 38mm 430$ including GST
Comp 40mm 500.50$ including GST
Hyper 45mm 462$ including GST
Pro 50mm 792$ including GST
Power 60mm 994.40$ including GST
Boost Controller
Boost Tee 95$ including GST
Dual Stage 260$ including GST
E Boost 450$ including GST
E Boost 2 720$ including GST
RacePort BOV 385$ including GST
Ultra 38mm 430$ including GST
Comp 40mm 500.50$ including GST
Hyper 45mm 462$ including GST
Pro 50mm 792$ including GST
Power 60mm 994.40$ including GST
Boost Controller
Boost Tee 95$ including GST
Dual Stage 260$ including GST
E Boost 450$ including GST
E Boost 2 720$ including GST
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