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Sup people,

The names Dez, just introducing myself before i start posting. I currently live in Melbourne. 26yo. Moved here start of the year from kiwifruit land.

I own a VE clubby, its a nice car to drive an all but i miss the pull of a 4G63t. Bought my 1st car at 15 it was a mitsi, ever since then i was hooked!! Ive owned alot of evos/gsrs/vr4s, but my heart belongs with the earlier evo1-2 and e38/39a vr4.

When i moved here i told myself i wouldnt buy another mitsi as i thought i was getting to old for these types of cars, but here i am and currently looking for a toy - a vr4 or evo 1-2 so if anyone has a cheapish one they wanna let go of pm me.

Anyways look forward to taking part in your forums!!!

(Oh and if there are any mmc.org.nz members on here its DEZ from those forums, someone on here has already got my username!!!)



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The sky



    Gday maaaate

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Welcome mate!

Can't go past an E3xA.




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Hi Dezz
Welcome to yet another member from across the Tasman :)
I can see the slogans now......"New Zealand.... beautiful one day, mass exodus the next" lol
I think NZ should just change a few things on their flag and become the next 2 states of Australia.
North Island should be called "New Queensland";
and the South Island should be called "New Victoria" :lol:
Here you go, Ive done up a little piccy.

Attached Thumbnails


Edited by EVO-00X, 12 October 2012 - 11:06 AM.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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New tas sounds better :P
And welcome :)

Edited by Gianni, 12 October 2012 - 11:06 AM.





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Hi Dezz
Welcome to yet another member from across the Tasman :)
I can see the slogans now......"New Zealand.... beautiful one day, mass exodus the next" lol
I think NZ should just change a few things on their flag and become the next 2 states of Australia.
North Island should be called "New Queensland";
and the South Island should be called "New Victoria" :lol:
Here you go, Ive done up a little piccy.

Yea i agree with u. We're already allowed into your country without a visa etc so we might aswel become 2 the new states of Australia lol

Good slogan too. Totally cracked me up lol :lol:

Thanks guys.

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