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Help reading eng light code Evo 7 GTA
Posted 02 December 2012 - 06:37 AM
I'll try mitsubishi but I've been told by them that so far the imports the've tried the MUT wont recognise it.
If all else fails it might be time to invest in a cable and software, Evoscan or something that can talk to the ECU, anyone have any suggestions?
Posted 02 December 2012 - 06:53 AM
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:23 AM
Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:43 AM
I thought there was a way of reading fault codes as the CEL blinks an error code when pin 4 of the OBDII connector is held to ground? Similar to how we do it on the VR4.
Anyway, while we're on the topic. How much does the evoscan package go for and where do yoou get it?
I read somewhere that it has the capability to assist with bleeding the AYC unit, however it not as reliable/accurate as a MUT.. Is this true?
And what is a multi-use tester anyway? A MMC only thing?
I was thinking of getting evoscan because I want to bleed the AYC unit.
Is there a write-up/tech. docs on this procedure?
Posted 14 January 2013 - 10:14 AM
Good to hear you got it sorted dude.
I thought there was a way of reading fault codes as the CEL blinks an error code when pin 4 of the OBDII connector is held to ground? Similar to how we do it on the VR4.
Anyway, while we're on the topic. How much does the evoscan package go for and where do yoou get it?
I read somewhere that it has the capability to assist with bleeding the AYC unit, however it not as reliable/accurate as a MUT.. Is this true?
And what is a multi-use tester anyway? A MMC only thing?
I was thinking of getting evoscan because I want to bleed the AYC unit.
Is there a write-up/tech. docs on this procedure?
Good to hear you got it sorted dude.
I thought there was a way of reading fault codes as the CEL blinks an error code when pin 4 of the OBDII connector is held to ground? Similar to how we do it on the VR4.
Anyway, while we're on the topic. How much does the evoscan package go for and where do yoou get it?
I read somewhere that it has the capability to assist with bleeding the AYC unit, however it not as reliable/accurate as a MUT.. Is this true?
And what is a multi-use tester anyway? A MMC only thing?
I was thinking of getting evoscan because I want to bleed the AYC unit.
Is there a write-up/tech. docs on this procedure?
Here's their website I'm still learning how it all works so I can't really answer your questions. Have a look on the site there is quite abit of info there.
Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:35 AM
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