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Lower control arm, are they symmetrical?

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Hello again,

I attached an image of a lower control arm from an Evo 8 MR.
Will they fit CP9A? and are they symmetrical?

Thanks in advance.

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    yoni lover

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not sure if they are symetrical but they will fit cp9a

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Thanks DOUGMO for quick response!

If anyone knows if that part can be flipped 180 degrees to be used on either side please confirm.
Thanks in advance,





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I see the parts catalogue have different part numbers for OEM bush for L and R but the aftermarket ones are dont distinguish.

After a good clean, the lower arm I have has a pink dot on one side and opposite side has "G N" stamped on it.

Basically im trying to find out if I can use this Evo 8 part on the RHS rear of my car (Evo 6.5).

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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pull your bit out and have a good long look at it to compare
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Well it appears the arms are symmetrical despite the different part numbers listed for the OEM bushes.

Interestingly, the whiteline and similar aftermarket bushes are the same for Left and Right which implies symmetry.

I took it off the car and they are geomtrically the same except for the side that has been machined flat. It appears to make no difference to the operation of the arm but my guess is due to manufacturability. e.g. Mistubishi not having to cast a left and right set. Correct me if im wrong.

Either way, my findings is that they are interchangable and symmetric. Its on my car now, aligned and works just fine.

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