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need HELP..engine died instantly

- - - - - engine died

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RVR 4g63t

RVR 4g63t


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i'm having a prob with my RVR ere..
situatuion: rev paddle with presure say about rpm at 2++ boost at 0.2++ then quick realease the paddle, RPM drop & sumtime the engine died instantly..
i've checked the BOV,vacuum hose.. swap with other BOV.. change TB.. result is the same. anyone facin the same thing ere? i notice there's a manifold leak as smoke came out frm one of the boltnut of the manifold...& also the idling kind of fluctuate time to time..fuel consumption damn BAD.. :(




    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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fuel pressure?

injectors clean?

air filter clean?

spark plugs...age and condition?

Base idle setting screw correctly adjusted?

check all of these and report back....

just a tip making your post as easy to read as possible using correct spelling and grammar will get you more replies. I understand it may be that english isnt your first language and mean no offence in the previous tip

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.



RVR 4g63t

RVR 4g63t


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thanks mate.. will update here soon

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