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How do u release a slave that's squished tight

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    Gday maaaate

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Did you remove your slave at any time? Any chance of installing the slave on the wrong side of the Gearbox?




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Did you remove your slave at any time? Any chance of installing the slave on the wrong side of the Gearbox?

no the slave was never removed but it is old which is silly too leave . master is new and was working untill i replaced the clutch line and bleeding halted the process

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  • IMG_3634.jpg




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It sounds like the slave has seized oddly. You have a couple options, release all pressure and see if the pin moves freely in the slave. Or remove the cross member and undo the 2-3 bolts holding the slave in and buy a new one, they aren't that expensive. While removed, check fluid is passing through your newly installed line (try to not make a mess!). I suggest using some clear tubing when bleeding.




  • Donating Members
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It sounds like the slave has seized oddly. You have a couple options, release all pressure and see if the pin moves freely in the slave. Or remove the cross member and undo the 2-3 bolts holding the slave in and buy a new one, they aren't that expensive. While removed, check fluid is passing through your newly installed line (try to not make a mess!). I suggest using some clear tubing when bleeding.

I agree thanks evil for your time

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