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GSR Short shifter

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Got the shifter today, was pretty easy to put in, took less than half an hour. Pretty impressed (for the price anyway). Orig bushes were still good (they had probably been replaced previously). A tad sloppy (no where near what my old cc was), but not too worried. It's shorter, i payed fuck all for it, im happy :).

Edited by licky, 13 February 2013 - 11:06 AM.




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I know the talk is about the GSR, but would this shifter work with the Evo I-III too?
1/4 mile: 11.68 @ 114, 1/8 mile: 7.52s @ 95
Big in Japan: www.biginjapan.co



    Lethal People Mover

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Hey Licky, you dont happen to have a pic of the shifter installed? from just looking at the pic i cant seem to get my head around how the hell it works haha, '

Also does anyone know if they do one for a VR4?

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soldave yes it will fit and work in an evo 3 they use the same shifter mechanism

syco_rvr they are physicly the same length as a normal shift they work by oving the part of the sifter that pivots higher up. by doing this the top section (the part you move) has to travel a shorter distance to make the bottom part (the bit that pushes/pulls the cable) move as far as it has to.

to see this work grab a pencil or pen.
pinch it between two fingers at about half way
now push/pull one end in a swinging motion so it rotate between where you pinched
if you had it pinched in the middle the opposite end to the one you were moving would move exactly the same distance as the end you were moving.
now pinch closer to the end you moved and do it gain notcie how the opposite end moves further for a shorter move same thing as whats happening in your shifter it also works the other way move the pivot point lover and the throw becomes longer

yes they're working on a dirty subaru but the concept is the same moog explain how it works around the 3:40 mark

Edited by khubner1, 14 February 2013 - 02:43 AM.

yes it's me KHUBNER




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Thanks for the info. So that leads me onto the next question, which is what do people think about using a short shifter with a cable-driven shifting mechanism like we have. I've heard that it's not great at all for the synchros and other bits in the mission. Would be happy to hear the thoughts of others though :)
1/4 mile: 11.68 @ 114, 1/8 mile: 7.52s @ 95
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i have seen no adverse effects it works in physically the same as a normal one move the cable exactly the same way it's just your hand that move less

yes it's me KHUBNER



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The bottom of it still moves the exact same way, can't see it being problamatic for the gear box. My syncro in third is rooted, and feels just the same (no worse). I havnt got a pic, though if you get stuck i can grab one for you?. Oh and the shifter is actually "shorter" in length, it compresses the boot a lot more than what it did lol, but it's the throw i care about ;).

The only thing that got me was the spring on how to put that back together, apart from that, as long as you use all the bushes, its a straight forward install. Feels soooooo much better and definatly worth it, got a little chirp from second when i tested it out haha




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Cool. Might look at getting one of these. I've got brand new bushings on all parts of the shifter mechanism and assembly, so should be able to reuse those.
1/4 mile: 11.68 @ 114, 1/8 mile: 7.52s @ 95
Big in Japan: www.biginjapan.co



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Oh and the shifter is actually "shorter" in length, it compresses the boot a lot more than what it did lol, but it's the throw i care about ;).

Hrm thats alright for me if its shorter. I changed my gaiter (red stitching) which is shorter by 10-15mm, might look into it later on. Strange that its shorter though, considering some people say they're the same length.
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well i found when i installed mine it was the same length however it did compress the leaver boot more thanks to using the genuine mitsi weighted leather shift knob. which was physically longer than the stock knob

Edited by khubner1, 19 February 2013 - 10:10 AM.

yes it's me KHUBNER

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