Hey boys. I urge you to look at the great work the
GRUNT FILES has been doing through Facebook and on their website. Theyre standing up for the Car Enthusiast and gathering all the motor clubs, online forums and enthusiasts together into one strong combined force. We've had enough of the crap, its time to take on the state govts and parliament to fight for our rights as car enthusiasts.
Support where you can and spread the word. Cheers, Rob.
Those who can make it to Sydney's Eastern Creek for the 2013 Motor Enthusiasts Conference (run by the ACMC - Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs) this Sunday 17th Feb, please do so.
Following the huge success of last year’s Motoring Enthusiasts Conference, the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs (ACMC) is staging the event again on Sunday, February 17th – which will be held at newly revamped Sydney Motorsport Park, thanks to the generous support of the ARDC. Entry will be exclusively via gate B (off Peter Brock Drive), which opens at 9am.
The beauty of this event is that it’s open to all enthusiasts and is a perfect opportunity to mingle with many different enthusiasts, whether they’re street machine, hot rodding, classic or 4x4 enthusiasts. Entry is free to all and everyone is encouraged to come along. A huge turnout sends a clear message to the bureaucrats as to the strength of our numbers, which in turn gives the government far more incentive to favourably-resolve the issues faced by all motoring enthusiasts.
There is also a separate, face-to-face delegate conference with the Minister for Roads and Ports, the honourable Duncan Gay along with senior officials from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and Roads and Maritime Service (RMS). Entry to the delegate conference is by pre-purchased ticket only.