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Genuine Nike Air Max's, size 11 and 12 BNIB

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    Diamonds are forever....

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Hey guys,

I have some 200% GENUINE and brand new Nike Air Max's for sale... getting rid of some doubles/triples so that I can make room for some new ones!! For guys that are new to the forums, I have been around since the start so am someone you can trust. I will also be listing these on ebay so if my 400+ feedback at 100% positive isn't enough then maybe you're better off getting these from overseas and pay more for them!!

First up I have some Nike Air Max Classic BW's in White/Grey. US Size 12. $90 + shipping




Secondly I have some Nike Air Max Skylines in White/Red. It might be hard to tell in the pics, but the red is very similar to Infra Red like on air max 90's. US Size 11. $110 + shipping SOLD

And lastly there's some Air Max Faze in Black/Green. US Size 11. $100 + shipping




SHIPPING: A 3kg large express post satchel is $17. Alternatively you could pick them up for free from Coburg North, VIC. These are the only sizes I have, so don't bother asking if there's any others :)

Pm me here if you're keen


Edited by CLuTZ, 01 March 2014 - 05:56 AM.



    Diamonds are forever....

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Need these gone- brought the price down!!



    Diamonds are forever....

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