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Whats the noise(s)

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Hey guys

Just trying to figure out acouple of weird noises under my hood, engine is a 4g63t i beileve its a 7 bolt evo 3 motor but not to sure,

First noise is what i beileve is lifters which is make a ticking sound when the car is hot and just under idle
When the car is under load/cold the sound isnt there

Second noise is some what of a rattle when i put the throttle on a little bit,seems to me like something is hitting the rocket cover,doesnt make this sound/rattle when idling or under high revs

Im not to good explaining this sort of thing so ive got a video, 1st part of video is the first noise and 2nd part is the 2nd noise

If someone could shed some light on this, id be grateful and can point me in a direction as to fix this

Car has adjustable cam gears and 272 cams,they havent been dialed in yet so its running rough and rich,i want to sort it out before i give it a tune, ive noticed the exhaust cam is set a fair bit advance could this be something to do with the noise?

Thanks in advanceĀ 


Edited by scoobydoo23, 23 February 2013 - 04:35 AM.



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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i had a similar noise in a car.....turned out to be cracked leads. when I was told to run it in the shed with the lights off at night...i thought yeah right. But there was visual evidence as, the spark leak was clearly seen.

might not be your issue but ....

also check the cam bearing caps are all tight. make sure all the rockers are properly engaged.....

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.






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Funny you mention that,since i dont have a spark plug cover one of the leads got caught in the cams (playing with fire i know) and completley ripped it,so i stuck it back together just to get it home ,i will invest in some more lead theyre just so dam expensive,

Any ideas on the other sound?




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Thats also a cool tip,i will try it tonight thanks




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yeah that tick sound electrical to me not like my noisy lifters. which is much deeper than that and goes away shortly after start up

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